New Year’s Guidance

January 4th, 2015


Greetings of the new year to you my friends. And thanks for tuning into this blog this last year.

It’s a blank slate, this blog . . . and I’m a blank slate, I don’t always know what I’ll write. There are periods when nothing comes, or my writing time is focused elsewhere. Then, my deepest thoughts, those I write for myself, I’m not sure will be received . . . particularly on this, an artist’s website. (But then, none of us are only one thing.)

Here’s one that came this morning, transcribed from jottings in my sketchbook:

“I am the Lord your God,
who teaches you what is best for you,
and directs you in the way you should go.”*
There it is, a direct quote.
The wise man has been saying it (Solomon, in Proverbs**)
Now the prophet dictates it.
God wants us to get it.
It’s like He’s expecting me to be able to hear.
Meaning . . . we both want the same thing.

I want direction,
He wants to give direction.
Sounds like a perfect match.
All I can say is, “Let’s go.”

But do speak clearly, Lord, and not too soft.
And keep my ears clean,
Not full of wax,
Not too attracted to other sounds,
Not too dull,
And not so prone to tune You out.

That You’ll speak, I have no doubt,
It’s the listening part that needs the help.
I pray that You will hear me out on that.

Do you see what I mean? Very personal. Not that I mind sharing, but don’t want you to mind hearing. This one, I thought, at least a help for direction as we enter a new year. The promise is for all of us.

Like I said, let me know.

*Isaiah 48:17, **Proverbs 3:6, etc., etc., etc.
The photos are from my speaking a week ago, on God’s “comfort.” It’s on line here.


  1. rita Hopper Jan 4, 2015
    6:04 pm

    Good New Year direction. God’s blessings on you and your family.

  2. Patricia Rody Jan 4, 2015
    8:00 pm

    Yes, all of us…especially this girl.

  3. Randy Mosten Jan 4, 2015
    8:32 pm

    Good insight to the New Year Hyatt With the loss of Barb I now have my own “Blank Slate “. I’m Listening intently. Take care and have a Blessed New Year

  4. Tim MacDonald Jan 5, 2015
    12:46 am

    Thanks for being personal Hyatt…so glad I tuned in today!

    Happy ’15 to you and Anne!

  5. Rocky Jan 5, 2015
    8:52 am

    Thanks Hyatt for your faithfulness to the blog. It’s always meaningful to me and I especially enjoy your personal thoughts. Happy New Year to you and Anne.

  6. Mabel Pittman Jan 5, 2015
    1:24 pm

    And just keep listening and sharing with us…’s what we need to hear, Hyatt…..and bless you and Anne for listening to His voice, too. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  7. Darla Jan 5, 2015
    3:11 pm

    Wise words shared from the heart. I appreciate it.

  8. Lisa Hoyt Jan 6, 2015
    1:27 am

    Here’s God’s answer: Psalm 16:7-8 “I will bless The Lord who guides me, even at night my heart instructs me. I know The Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.” Happy healthy blessed 2015 to you and your Anne and your wonderful family! Love to all! Lisa

  9. Ginney Herbert Jan 6, 2015
    8:57 am

    Wise words to start the new year. I really enjoy reading your blog. Ginney Herbert

  10. mma Jan 7, 2015
    7:41 am

    Sort of like the all the pills and vitamins that are part of my daily regimen, reading your blog is a vital part of what keeps me going and enjoying life even though I just had my 90th birthday. Please keep up the great work, Hyatt. I seldom comment, but I ALWAYS benefit and enjoy what you have to share. May the Lord continue to inspire you as you continue to open to us your mind and heart.
    Blessings for the new year.

  11. Mary Jan 7, 2015
    4:35 pm

    You’re amazing and your/our God and Best Friend is listening and directing me to one of your art classes. When will you be offering another? Coincidentally(not), just finished reading another beautiful message about how one must follow the talent God gave us, even being frustrated is a good sign…it will only get better, unless we allow it to die. It’s most likely very close to death, still too many ‘coincidences’ just now. Even mentioning your sketch book…today I found a fresh new sketch book in my small stash of art supplies thinking I’d like to keep it with me and begin using it again.