What to Paint?

May 6th, 2013

Classic Saddle, a 7th piece I painted now gracing the John and Pam Ritter home in the desert.

Here’s a question that comes up more than you might think: Since I can paint, what should I paint? It’s an odd dilemma, the challenge that comes of living a life that’s free.

I realize the same question comes in the two other art forms I like to pursue: Since I can write, what should I write? When I’m asked to speak, on what should I speak? I will say I’ve learned something about how to approach this latter quandary.

I tell myself to determine quickly what my topic should be, like immediately. If I entertain more than one idea I’m forever flip flopping, almost right up to the delivery. Too many choices undermine everything.

I’ve also learned that the occasion itself often helps me focus. For example, when asked to speak on New Year’s Day, I knew exactly what my topic had to be: “Looking back and looking forward.”*

So I take the lesson from one art form and apply it to another and the answer begins to come.** It’s basically a reforming of the question: Not what to paint “ever and always,” but what to paint “right now.”

And right now we’re on the outskirts of Tucson, Arizona, taking a week for another of our art-making forays. Some call these vacations, and in some ways they are; we “vacate” our normal premises and schedules. But they’re for work, a focused time to do what we do, both as vocation and avocation. Our work is such that we would rather bring it with us “on vacation” than not.

We’re in a lovely desert hide-away lent to us by friends who seem as pleasured to share it us as we are to receive it. The vistas are God breathed, the hills majestic and dry, the sky cobalt clear, the foliage abundant and varied . . . gnarled and delicate both. What’s not to paint?

Then, inside the house I find half a dozen pieces of my own artwork, both ethnic and cowboy, that these friends purchased several years ago and I’d not seen since. I must say they look great in this setting and give yet more ideas of what to paint.

So, the field begins to narrow. The occasion helps determine it, and the setting.

The question is rarely what to do “ever and always.” That one intimidates; it’s too grand, too important. The question is only what to do “here and now.” That’s easier . . . and really all we can handle.

Now to get to it.

You too.



*      This one is still online if anyone would like to revisit it here.
**    It’s the same with writing, and how this piece came this morning.
*** Thanks for all the great comments on last week’s 10-Person Portrait.


  1. Mercedes May 6, 2013
    11:58 am

    Awesome blog! So true…especially the part about how often having too many choices undermines everything!

    Enjoy the Desert! I am sure you will both be very prolific. I look forward to seeing all the great art when you get back :)


  2. Lynn Schrader May 6, 2013
    12:03 pm

    Boy, this really hits the nail on the head for what I’m dealing with right now. May God’s blessings and wisdom continue to flow to you and through you! Thank you so much.

  3. Norm May 6, 2013
    2:02 pm

    Right on, Hyatt. Like the saying goes, you aim at a lot of things, you hit nothing. It’s not so much, “Which topic should I speak on, paint, etc.?” More like this one, specific thing/idea … how can I make the life (mine)-to-life (your’s, my audience) connection? Your do the latter so well. So, paint on, friend!

  4. Pam May 6, 2013
    3:00 pm

    Hyatt and Anne, here in Hawaii for a speaking engagement with my sister. Your insight is so applicable for what lead us here, and for what is next. Praying for inspiration for you both as you experience the desert, and thank you for your insight, Pam

  5. jcl May 6, 2013
    3:07 pm

    Enjoy the time vacating, vacationing, vocating, advocating, abdocating….whatever the case may be, and oh by the way, have a nice trip!

  6. allan hedberg May 6, 2013
    4:49 pm

    It’s like what to feel, what to think, what to tell, what to do, what to believe, and what to write…..

  7. Lisa Hoyt May 6, 2013
    9:49 pm

    I was really enjoying reading this blog tonight because I just did not know how you were going to finish this! I love it! You finished it by saying…………just get to it! Hahaha! Great one Hyatt, and truly, I do this to myself so often, give myself too many options. Can’t decide then. This helps. Just do what is coming to mind right now—– God breathed and God inspired! Breathe in the Holy Spirit and then go DO! Love to you both! Lisa

  8. Larry L. Thomas May 6, 2013
    10:22 pm

    Just what I needed to hear…..thanks.