Mountain Message, part 1

March 14th, 2013

The drawing is from an earlier sketchbook, the likes of which I fill with both pictures and words as I go along. Thought you’d enjoy seeing one.

Just came across the following in the sketch book. I’d forgotten I’d done it, an abbreviation of the sayings of Jesus in one of his few sermons.* You might recognize them, or be reminded of the longer versions. In any case, though familiar, they’re pretty penetrating, and transformative if one puts them into practice . . . which, of course, is what he had in mind.

Be salt, don’t be tasteless.
Be light, don’t be dull.
Be good, and let God shine through.
Don’t hold anger,
and don’t label people “fool.”
Be quick to clear any grievances.
Be wary of lust’s lurking.
Cut out (or off) what’s causing habitual failure.
And don’t vow; your Yes or No should suffice.
You have an enemy? Try loving him (he’ll disappear).
Submit to his abuses and see what happens.
As for demands, do double what’s required, even if onerous.
Lend, and give to any who ask . . .
like God does, open-handed, regardless.
Do your good covertly.
Same with prayer, not for show . . .
plainly, with honesty, avoiding rote or method.
Pray God’s will, his worth-ship, the day’s provision, forgiveness,
and a protecting shield from the tempter.
Forgive any and all.
Fast, okay, but not for display.
Don’t be only preoccupied with gain, rather seek future treasure.
Focus on the invisible, the timeless.
Choose who you’ll serve . . . you can’t serve two.
Your Father is the better master.

Looking at this again I see I’ve left much out. His actual sayings, though also very brief, convey so much more. Still, any one of these could be a life-changer, and taken together, form a whole new person.

I’ll post the rest of this Sermon on the Mount Abbreviated another day.

Have yourself a good one today.


* Matthew 5:13-6:24


  1. Rocky Mar 14, 2013
    9:22 am

    Thanks Hyatt!!

  2. Becky Ford Mar 14, 2013
    9:42 am

    Ouch. I had to stop a couple of times and repent while reading the list. I like the the way you boiled the message down to the essentials. It’s accessible and a little provocative.

  3. Barbara Mitchiner Mar 14, 2013
    9:58 am

    So good Hyatt! If only I could do them all the time!
    Barbara Mitchiner

  4. Norm Mar 14, 2013
    10:20 am

    No wonder the people were amazed at His teaching! And coming from this one who was beyond reproach, innocent of sin, and living in God’s shimmering goodness … has there ever been anyone like this one from Galilee? Thanks for sharing, Hyatt. Great list to ponder.

  5. Mike Evans Mar 14, 2013
    10:41 am

    Love it!

  6. Karyn Mar 14, 2013
    10:52 am

    Beautifully re-worded!

  7. Jeanette Mar 14, 2013
    1:17 pm

    So much here to take in. Thank you Hyatt for thd good words to meditate on.

  8. Kris Jones Mar 14, 2013
    2:27 pm


  9. Terry & Pat Lampel Mar 16, 2013
    6:23 pm

    I like this… reminiscent of some of the “lists” Roy Lessin (DaySpring) has been doing for many years. Clean, concise & yes, sometimes, a painful, yet much-needed reminder of Christ’s words. Thanks!

  10. lisa hoyt Mar 16, 2013
    8:43 pm

    Great! Pared down and perfectly stated! Succinct! Need to read and re read! Thank you Hyatt! Blessings!

  11. Terry & Pat Lampel Mar 18, 2013
    4:10 pm

    As for sharing “sketches,” I’m glad you do… I suspect that we can enjoy & learn so much of the artist’s heart from these, as we do from the final product.