Let Your Words be Few

July 1st, 2012

Detail from “Eloquent Commentary” by artist/wife Anne Moore, whose words are generally few, but sometimes used to good avail in her eloquent creations. Click for larger view, and others on her site.

Last time the subject was the power of words. Perhaps it’s because of their power we’re cautioned about their plethora. Here’s the word on it:

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.*

Let your words be few.
Not none.
We are meant to speak.

But know this: Whatever you think you’re saying, you’re saying as much about yourself.

Wittingly or not, it’s always a self-portrait we’re painting. And the fewer the strokes, the better the painting.

Speaking on the transparency of every person, Jesus said, “It’s from the outflow of the heart that the mouth speaks.”**

Better to work on the heart than the vocabulary. What’s inside will always come out.

Another thing: Under-promise, over-deliver. You’ll never disappoint.

Thomas Carlyle said, “If you do not wish a man to do a thing, you had better get him to talk about it; for the more men talk, the more likely they are to do nothing else.”

Talk’s cheap. “When words are scarce, they’re seldom spent in vain.” Shakespeare.

Let your words be few.
Measure them.
Particularly in the presence of God.
And where isn’t that?




*  Ecclesiastes 5:2
**Luke 6:45 (my paraphrase)

Note: For the next while, these blogs will be posted twice weekly (instead of every four days), Mondays and Thursdays. As always, feel free to share with a friend; and feel free to comment.
Next: An e-gallery, with recent art pursuits and announcing an upcoming plein air painting workshop.



  1. Betty Jul 2, 2012
    7:40 am

    Amen. Thanks, Hyatt. I needed this today. I’m going to give a talk on motivation and I’m going to simplify it. This was a timely word.

  2. Linda Lawler Jul 2, 2012
    10:12 am

    Well said Hyatt with as few words as possible. It really is about the condition of our heart. If we would all just pause before we spoke. Thank you for sharing so we would all think about this more with as few words as possible.
    Miss my Mondays with you and michelle.
    Though enjoying GOD’s canvas in the Sawtooth mts.!

  3. lisa hoyt Jul 2, 2012
    1:12 pm

    Hyatt! You spoke on this! :) Yes, as you know, I totally love this because I get too wordy usually when I speak. This subject is always applicable for me. I have to say this prayer everyday. Goodness! Thank you for all the other insights regarding talk! Loved it when you talked about talk is cheap! That is so true! Talk more and less will get done! I will remember this pearl of wisdom as well! I believe this is true as well! Just like with painting a great picture! You never want to over paint something! Thank you again! Lisa

  4. Lynn Schrader Jul 2, 2012
    3:18 pm

    Really liked that comment from Lisa Hoyt about over talking is like over painting a picture. That’s really true (you can tell I have experience w/ this!). Your words, Hyatt, always give one something to chew on. Thx.

  5. Scott Anderson Jul 2, 2012
    3:32 pm

    Why do we always measure our words when we text,but rarely when we speak? If I had to type everything I say I would quickly figure out how to say what needs to be said, with love and sincerity. Interesting to ponder.

  6. Patty Jul 2, 2012
    3:35 pm

    Love the quotes!

  7. JoAnn Cokas Jul 2, 2012
    3:46 pm

    It seems, dear Hyatt, that you are sensing me…….I am so trying to ‘measure my words’.
    Your Blank Slates have hit home each time. my mouth is so easily opened so my real task is to measure, measure measure.
    Thanks I love your writing.
    Love to Anne.

  8. Rita Hopper Jul 2, 2012
    6:53 pm

    Enjoyed another “Blank Slate”. Words are too easy to come by and mean nothing – you put meaning into the words. Thank you.

  9. Luis Mario Arriola Jul 2, 2012
    8:01 pm


  10. carmen Jul 2, 2012
    10:37 pm

    Few words are difficult for me as a woman, but I will try.

  11. Jody Fouch Jul 3, 2012
    7:20 am

    Thanks Hyatt…I needed that! I am right in the middle of having to communicate some difficult thoughts to a business partner and this has set my mind right…Much appreciated and timely!

  12. Bill Lambright Jul 4, 2012
    5:22 pm

    I knew a man of few words long ago who had just one word posted on his office wall.. “LAUGH”! Funny how I remember that among his other few words.

  13. Hyatt Moore Jul 4, 2012
    5:26 pm

    Bill. Thanks. I’d forgotten about that. A good reminder!

  14. Heather Eastwood Jul 10, 2012
    8:59 am

    “Better to work on the heart than the vocabulary. What’s inside will always come out.” These are wise words for writers and speakers alike to remember. I always pray before putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) but you have given me a new thought to ponder. Thanks Hyatt!