Somebody wants to buy my house, AS IS, all cash!

posted April 10th, 2018 by

Ha! That was the postcard that came in the mail yesterday. It was from one “Cassie” of Corona, considerably inland. The picture of our place was apparently to prove she means business. I’m tempted to call Cassie and name my price. Of course to me, as is, will mean with us in it!

What she would be willing to pay for these two living beings may give her pause. The fact that we’re not as young as we were when we first moved in may diminish our value a little. Then again, it may augment it. In those 40 years there’s been a lot of life.

And a lot of that life is evidenced by all the décor, the artifacts from our travels, the hand-made ceramics, the furniture . . . each piece with a story . . . the unique tableware from everywhere. Bowers Museum might be interested in it as is, but I don’t know if Cassie would appreciate.

Then there’s the art. With both of us continually producing, there is original work on every wall, multiple and ever changing. More, there’s “the annex,” a walk-in attic with enough artwork in storage to supply all the grandkids with a small inheritance. That is, if we could find the buyers.

Hey, maybe Cassie is the answer!

Add to all this the cars in the garage, the landscaping, the stonework, the garage doors of reclaimed lumber from an old Tennessee barn, the majestic eucalyptus grove just behind . . . that’s all going to add to the as is.

And what Cassie can’t see from the front is how every square inch inside has been customized over the years. Our as is has become something completely unique to us. Which means, beyond price.

Story: Sometimes, when my parents were alive and still living in their Palos Verdes house where I grew up, a realtor would come to the door and ask if they wanted to sell. My mother, always engaging, would ask, “Then where would I live?” Answer: “Anywhere you want.” Mom: “I want to live right here!”

My sentiments exactly.

Once a realtor came to our door with the same offer. I told him we have no thoughts of selling, adding with a smile that I plan to be buried right here, in the floor!

He advised, “Don’t tell the Asians; they’re very superstitious.”

Okay I won’t. I won’t tell Cassie either. I don’t know how that would affect the as is. No matter; by then I’ll have a mansion elsewhere.

Looking forward to that.

Just in case Cassie sees this, here are some pics of the inside of our place . . . the wall art different now, but it still gives the idea.


PS This weekend we’re traveling to Anchorage to speak and unveil the Beatitudes paintings (see earlier blog) in their new and permanent home. (All invited!)



  1. jcl Apr 10, 2018
    12:42 pm


  2. Mary Apr 10, 2018
    1:34 pm

    You’re a breath of fresh air.

  3. Ashley Apr 10, 2018
    1:50 pm

    Too funny. “As Is” would be a great title for a painting, too (and thanks for the story).

  4. Carmen Apr 10, 2018
    2:10 pm

    It has been so long but I still remember the the amazing art in a beautiful, inviting latin home. I remember the warm welcome, the hospitality and great conversations. I loved my stay of a few days. Looking at these recent pics, you have only fleshed out more life experiences i your decor and art. You and Anne are so blessed.

  5. Aline Apr 10, 2018
    2:17 pm


  6. sue Apr 10, 2018
    3:10 pm

    Hilarious! I won’t tell the Asians. Who live here and add value to our home plus monthly rent. Your home is invaluable with you and Anne in it. I hope to add more and visit soon. (Not on the calendar as yet.) Pray someone asks me to speak down there. So I can use your house as a hotel.

  7. Sue Duggan Apr 10, 2018
    3:19 pm

    I received the same postcard from Cassie. She is so clever. The picture of my house she sent is from Google’s street view taken many years ago. Her postcard went out to the trash man today. Loved your post!

    • Hyatt Moore Apr 10, 2018
      3:34 pm

      Thanks, Sue. I do wonder where Cassie gets all the cash. What if we BOTH took her up on it? As for putting such mail directly in the trash, I’ve considered keeping my recycle can right next to my mailbox.

      (Except that it might lower the “as is.”)

      • Sue Duggan Apr 10, 2018
        5:27 pm

        Actually, when I bring in my mail, I stop at the recycle bin in the garage. Cassie went in it.

  8. cinda kelly Apr 10, 2018
    3:20 pm

    Just glorious…..I’m glad Cassie wants to ‘buy your house’ because it presented peace and beauty through your sharing its wealth with us.

  9. Scott Anderson Apr 10, 2018
    4:09 pm

    Hello Hyatt,
    Your post makes me think how blessed we are that God takes us “as is” ….yet He still paid full price.
    Thanks as always !


  10. Judy Anton Apr 10, 2018
    4:19 pm

    Ah, ha, ha!!!! That is the best answer I have ever hear to any of those jump-the-gun realtors who try to pry the houses out of hour hands. Love it!

  11. sue Apr 10, 2018
    4:25 pm

    Hilarious! I won’t tell the Asians. Who live here and add value to our home plus monthly rent. Your home is invaluable with you and Anne in it. I hope to add more and visit soon. (Not on the calendar as yet.) Pray someone asks me to speak down there so I can use your house as a hotel. Have a blast and blessing in Alaska!!!

  12. mimi Apr 10, 2018
    6:13 pm

    well done!

  13. Lisa Hoyt Apr 10, 2018
    9:38 pm

    That was too funny Hyatt! Loved all of it! Glad you aren’t going to move from your unique, charming, wonderful home that depicts the colorful journey of your lives shared together there! With all your wonderful paintings and artifacts! It is priceless, your home, and that is a fact!! Glad you aren’t going to let Cassie take it from you and Anne for any price. Much love to you both! Lisa

  14. Betty Shelton Apr 11, 2018
    12:17 am

    Perfect! Thanks for making me laugh!

  15. Sophia Apr 11, 2018
    8:47 am

    Oh, and this reminds me of that Nigerian guy who wanted to give you an inheritance or something to that effect. How lucky are you!

  16. Bruce Michener Apr 11, 2018
    9:28 am

    Simply stunning as a total collection of art & artifacts within architecture. Marta & I recall our short stay in 79, a year after you moved in. So many beautiful changes in new roof, kitchen and backyard. Required perseverance to keep intact during you several moves for Wycliffe (I would have given up & sold). Congratulations on a final home for you & Anne.

  17. Frank & Sally Hall Apr 12, 2018
    4:13 pm

    Love your posts. Thanks so much. We share your art and your story with all our new friends as they visit our home.