The Making of “Madrid”

posted June 18th, 2018 by

We’ve been back just a week from our three weeks away and immediately we’re in the throes of our next show this coming Friday. (See invitation below.)
We were in Holland and Spain . . . . more about that on a future blog. Meantime, here’s a new piece and the evolution of its making.

It’s part straight abstract, and part recognizable figure, the two interacting and full of motion. Title: Madrid, 54″x41″, mixed media on canvas.

The original inspiration was from a quick shot of a bit of peeling paint and old glue on a wall in Madrid. (There’s art everywhere.)

The day after arriving home I spread a piece of canvas on the studio floor and started texturing layers of acrylic, with a trip to the store for just the right colors.

Applying some random white, I thought I recognized a dancer. Turning it vertical and pinning it to the wall, sure enough, there she was.

In Spain I filled a sketchbook page of gesture drawing of flamenco dancers. This, then, was reference.

We loved the flamenco displays as we’d encounter them. This is a street performance, the photo of which worked perfectly for my painting. (Notice it’s “flopped” to fit the patterns that had appeared on my abstract.)

Here she is for the photo shoot on our garage door . . . shown here just to give an idea of size. Note it’s on canvas not yet stretched, an approach I often use.

A close up of the face, painted in oils, and some of the wild texture. The interaction between realism and random is all part of the poetry, just like life.
She, with a whole lot of other paintings, will be featured at the studio show this coming Friday. It’s just for one evening. Don’t miss it. Details here:

Other Coming Events

This week, Thursday evening, I’ll be giving a lecture/demo on “How to Start a Painting.” It’s at San Clemente Art Supply, 1531 North El Camino Real, at 6:30 p.m. The cost, just $5.00. Reserve your spot at (949) 369-6603. Or just come. 

On Sunday, June 24, I’ll be speaking on my new Beatitudes series at Granite Creek Church in Claremont, 1580 N Claremont Blvd. Two times: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Speaking of that, a YouTube version of that talk, as given in Anchorage, is now on my website, in both the full 40 minutes and a five-minute trailer . . . plus the one-minute overview showing them at first completion. Check them out here.


  1. Ashley Jun 18, 2018
    1:42 pm


    Abstract + Realism = Motion.

    Do you have “How to start a painting” as a blog? I would like to read it.

    • Hyatt Moore Jun 18, 2018
      2:52 pm

      Thanks, Ashley. Actually it needs to be demonstrated. I suppose I could YouTube it, but haven’t. Then again, I do have a one-minute time lapse of a complete painting which includes how I start:

  2. Marylou habecker Jun 18, 2018
    2:58 pm

    Always always …. A L W A Y S an inspiration!!!
    Thank you fir sharing the insights and the techniques. Sure wish we lived closer! We would love to come to the show!
    Marylou and Gene

  3. PATRICIA STUART Jun 18, 2018
    3:08 pm

    I’m sorry I live so far away. I would love to visit your studio.
    It would be nice if you were able to do an online workshop.
    I enjoy the book I bought recently. It’s inspiring.

    Patricia Stuart

  4. Suszanne Bernat Droney Jun 18, 2018
    8:11 pm

    Hyatt, like the emotional impact your painting gives, including the overall movement and your mixed media application in this piece. The flamenco dancer you photographed and sketched in various gesture poses for reference is a great tool. Love the abstract and the realism combination you put together.

  5. Barbara Mitchiner Jun 19, 2018
    9:41 am

    Hyatt, “She” is just beautiful!!!! Glad you’re keeping so busy!

  6. DK Burris Jun 19, 2018
    10:09 am

    You have made her so beautiful!!! Love the process you used to bring her to ‘life!’ Your paintings represent so much aliveness! When I look at your paintings I see real people with hearts and souls not just strokes of color. You are on the my list of top artists whose work I love!! Thank you for sharing your gift with many folks! dkb