Seventy-five and Fully Alive

September 1st, 2018

It’s my birthday and I just got a call from across multiple time zones to remind me. It was from daughter Cambria, situated for a time with her family in Shanghai, China. Among other things she reminded me that I usually post a blog on my birthday. So here I am.

Photo taken by Anne in Borono, Italy, a couple years back. But things haven’t changed much. Since then we’ve also been to France, Egypt and lately Holland and Spain . . . with much world yet to see.

Seventy-five years old today! I don’t know if it’s to brag about or to grieve. As somebody said, “Everybody wants to live long but nobody wants to get old. “Old? What’s that?” Old people are of another race.

At least that’s how we often see them. Daughter Allison once quipped, when she was a child, “You know what? When you grow up you’re the same person.” Very insightful.

The fact is, it’s true and it’s not true. As we grow we change, we mature, we add experiences to our history, learning to our perspective. So, we are the same person, and we’re not the same person, both.

I’m thinking at 75 I’m entering the last quarter of my life. At least that’s optimistic. If it’s like my first quarter, there may be a number of years I’ll have very little memory of.

I hope there’s health ahead. But there’s no fear: The destination is God.

For the occasion I gave a talk at our church last weekend. I knew that audience would be understanding of the real issues, like the born again reality that Jesus brought up and mandated as prerequisite for life ever on. That was a decision I made back when I was 27, my life falling apart as result of my successes, and me needed answers. It was during an extended trip, traveling in Mexico, and reading. I crossed the border as one person and came out another. Born again. The same person, and not the same person.

Here’s a chart I recently made during an early morning reflection.  With spokes radiating from the center decision it shows how everything’s been affected since. In a very real sense I’m not celebrating my 75 years, but 48 since my new life began . . . the life that is truly life.*

So that’s my birthday reflection. After this I don’t plan to bring up the subject again. Maybe I’ll celebrate every five years. Then when I’m 90, I’ll celebrate every six months.

Have a great Labor Day. (My mother did.)


If you’re interested in the talk, it’s here.

*The life that is truly life comes from the Bible, 1 Timothy 6:19.


  1. Sue Sep 1, 2018
    11:35 am

    Yes she did! In those days they put the mothers out during labor. Celebrating you!!! Xx

  2. Mabel Pittman Sep 1, 2018
    11:36 am

    I forgot you were not as young as we considered you before and after “born again.” You are just nine years (minus two days) younger than Ed – the first birth……and since you cannot tell all the details in one blog, I’m glad we have those to remember about your second. AND……you must also remember that the term “born again” and “transformation” took on life after seeing your transformation…….something we still are marveling at. The many years you and Anne have blessed us with your “new lives” will be calculated beyond our imagination in Glory…….so what’s with this “not bring up the subject again?” Our dear friend embarrassed his wife for a whole year by each time telling a server at a restaurant, “I’m 75!”….just like a three-year-old bragging……and now he’s a healthy, happy 83….just like me…..AND it’s OK to celebrate EVERY DAY…….I think it runs in the Moore family, and as Ed says, “What we need is more Moores.”

  3. Norm Sep 1, 2018
    12:47 pm

    I like, “…no fear, the destination is God.” Your work and life reflect that, Hyatt. I say the best is yet to come! Happy Birthday!

  4. Gloria Engel Sep 1, 2018
    12:48 pm

    We met you in those early days, when you were a breath of fresh air in the CAB.

    • Hyatt Moore Sep 1, 2018
      12:52 pm

      Thanks. Yes, those early years at Wycliffe’s Central America Branch in Guatemala were a great experience, with great friendships formed.

  5. Chris Sep 1, 2018
    2:13 pm

    A couple favorite Hyatt memories to share on his 75th birthday:

    ~ After giving my very first preach, Hyatt invited me to his home where he offered a critique, an encouragement and a gift… one of his original paintings. It remains in a place of prominence in my home and heart.

    ~ Hyatt and and Anne dropped by to visit their daughter, Allison, who had just moved next door to my wife and me. Surprised to discover our proximity, Hyatt hopped the picket fence and proceeded to climb through our open, unscreened window, where he made a soft landing on our living room floor. Just to say hi.

    • Hyatt Moore Sep 1, 2018
      2:37 pm

      Chris, Fun memory. Someday I’ll start acting my age.

  6. Tim MacDonald Sep 1, 2018
    2:25 pm

    Happy 75th Hyatt!

    May it be said of you as it was of Moses. “Moses was 120… His eyesight was sharp; he still walked with a spring in his step…”
    Deuteronomy‬ ‭34:7 MSG‬‬

    So happy for the day your Mom labored!

    • Hyatt Moore Sep 1, 2018
      2:35 pm

      Thanks, Tim. But for the moment I’ll be happy to take one decade at a time, like with Caleb: “So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. (Josh. 14:11-12)

  7. Frank and Denise Sep 1, 2018
    4:06 pm

    We consider it an honor to have shared some memories with you and Ann in Guatemala in language learning in the library and traveling to the Engel’s village. And a few years at HB.

  8. Judie Hess Sep 1, 2018
    7:47 pm

    Hope you’ve had a fun-filled day of celebration. Happy Birthday!!!!!

  9. Clarissa White Sep 1, 2018
    8:35 pm

    Happy birthday! Wow ! So cool to read! Love to you and Anne!

  10. Martha Kruger Sep 2, 2018
    2:11 am

    Hi Hyatt

    Great blog and thoughts.
    Thank you.

    Congratulations on your birthday, quite a milestone. Forever young!
    The best is yet to come.


  11. Ira Wayne Aeschliman Sep 2, 2018
    5:11 am

    Happy birthday, Hyatt. Thank you for many years of friendship and teaching.

  12. George Simmons Sep 2, 2018
    6:27 am

    Happy Birthday and God Bless!

  13. Bob Sep 2, 2018
    9:58 am

    Thanks for including us in the new quarter, and the former one! Our lives are richer –
    we enjoy beautiful images and thoughts whenever we see you, not to mention that
    we get to hang out with Anne!

    Bob and Alison

  14. Ashley Sep 2, 2018
    1:23 pm

    Happy Birthday!!! Prayers for an amazingly interesting year ahead.

  15. Lorene Sep 2, 2018
    1:53 pm

    Thank you Hyatt, for posting this. What you shared is a great help. Because I’m turning 50 in a few weeks and I have been struggling with it. I’m a woman and aging is often painful for us. It’s difficult to be overtaken by gravity in a culture that forbids it, especially for women, and ties worth to youthfulness. But now I’m thinking after reading what you wrote… for those of us who are born again, maybe we can look at the age of our new souls, from the day that Christ laid hold of them, and count that instead. Maybe we can find the peace to age by looking at the real part of us, which is the part that lives forever. So, in that case, I’m only 17 years old. Thanks Hyatt for that perspective.

    P.S. In case you’re wondering how you know me, we talked years ago, when I was only “2” – I had just come to Christ then – and I saw you on Damascus Roads talking about your story. I emailed you and we talked about art (I’m an artist, too) and Jesus. I’ve never forgotten your story. So wonderful to see it mentioned here in this post and to remember how it impacted me when I first heard it.

    I’m glad God made you, twice. Happiest birthday.

  16. Paul Thompson Sep 2, 2018
    2:22 pm

    Happy Birthday!
    We ( Nancy and I ) are delighted and praise God for what He has done in and through you.
    Much change since we knew you at South Bay Baptist!

    Paul(age 87)

  17. Cinda Kelly Sep 2, 2018
    2:27 pm

    How wonderful! 75! And still young and ‘raring to go’.
    All in the family of God…you’re my brother! There’s a kinship of second birthers that endures. We’ve never met, and won’t til we’re home, but I know you through your paint brush and might strokes, using the God given gift to share Him and beauty to all who are fortunate enough to find it. Glory be for Beautitudes and Ecclesiastes….two avenues of ‘speaking’.
    Power to you as you continue to share beauty with the world.

  18. Ursula Sep 2, 2018
    2:45 pm

    Happy Birthday Hyatt:

    Again you are in inspiration with your deep trust in Jesus.
    May HE watch over you many more happy years.\

  19. carmen Sep 2, 2018
    7:28 pm

    Hyatt you look good for 48:) you also look good for 75!! I love you circle chart. You are blessed and He is still showing blessings in you and your family. You and Anne are a match made in Heaven!

  20. Sophia Sep 3, 2018
    8:15 pm

    Happy belated birthday, Hyatt. As usual, words of wisdom on your birthday reflections. I, for one, have been greatly blessed by your care, support, and wisdom. Your perspective has set an example of strength for us walking behind you. Thankful to God for people like you and may the Lord bless you with many more years to come.

  21. Vance Sep 4, 2018
    10:54 am

    Thank you brother. Insightful. Gracious. Wonderful.

  22. Anna Abell Sep 6, 2018
    8:50 am

    Happy birthday, Hyatt!! Sorry this is a few days late………..hope you are still celebrating!! Your life and sharing of art in the form of words, photos, and beautiful art are such a blessing and enrich our lives.

  23. WAFFLE LOMILO Sep 7, 2018
    12:06 am

    Thanks Hyatt… again hailing from another time zone. East Africa. Your pointing us youth to keep our eyes on the job at hand while holding His is still guiding me. Now 5 years here in Uganda with the Karamajong. Thankyou for all your years…may the last quarter be blessed. Loving you by Him! Waffle….

  24. Kathy and Mike Moore Sep 11, 2018
    2:54 pm

    Happy Happy Birthday Hyatt!!
    You are thought of every time we walk by one of our several beautiful pieces done by you
    and Anne;-) May God continue to richly bless the two of you!!