Nets on the Other Side

May 4th, 2015


Here’s the page. The drawing has nothing to do with the text. In this sketchbook, there’s generally been a meditation on the left, a drawing on the right. Click for larger view. (For a look at the painting that came from this sketch, go here.)

I’m in Anchorage. We stretched, hung and unveiled a giant painting. I’ll share more on that next blog. For now I want to share something from a page in the sketchbook jotted back in January. We were in Oregon. I’d been in reading the passage at the end of John, about an event after the death and resurrection of Jesus. Peter and six others had been out fishing, by dawn still without result. Then a man appeared on the shore.

Here’s what I wrote:

They didn’t recognize it was Jesus–
Wasn’t he dead?
How often do I also not recognize him?
Beckoning my attention while I’m working/busy?
And don’t ask how it’s going, thank you,
When it’s not going very well.
And don’t be giving advice–
I know how to do this . . . and I’ve already tried everything.
Or when you do, don’t be giving such idiotic advice
Like ‘Put your nets down on the other side.’
Fish aren’t like that, and how do you know?
I’m here, you’re there. Besides, why do you care?

How does one know when they’re getting a word from God?
The fishermen didn’t know it was Jesus until they did what he said. They experienced the result and their eyes were opened. I was sensing the same sensation that morning.

I continued writing:

For years–since the beginning–I’ve been fishing
With questionable success. All night.
I did not want to be a “Christian Artist.”
A Christian, yes, and an artist, but nothing more.
I felt I needed to earn my credential in the secular school
Then offer also my skills to the Body.
But now, is this for me? Is that him just beyond,
Saying, ‘Cast your net on the other side’?
“Okay, if you say . . . and this time, no ‘Buts’
And let the net fill to overflow.”

That was just over three months ago and my nets have been nearly breaking ever since. I’ve been amazed at the work that has come my way, and almost all on the God side. Some has been for pay (even abundant) some not at all, but they’re all been worthy projects–and highly creative–with more on the horizon.

In the end, Peter recognized it was indeed the Lord and jumped in the water. After breakfast they talked. Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him, always following with, “Feed my sheep.”

I’m wondering if I’m hearing the same word.

As with the nets, I’ll watch for the proof in the doing.


  1. marty May 4, 2015
    11:11 am

    Oh,, Hyatt, this is sooooooo you. Your writings and dribbles from the heart are delicious….feed my soul. I am acutely aware of why God put you in my life. I was obedient, too, when I made a phone call to you two summers ago. You and Anne have added a wonderful new, meaningful and inspiring dimension to my life. Go fish!!!!

  2. Pat May 4, 2015
    1:04 pm

    Hyatt, I can relate! Working on this new book project has my nets full to overflowing. It also makes me question my abilities to offer wisdom in such a large project. Thanks for your encouragement to listen, obey and watch! Our Lord knows what he desires of us even when we’re overwhelmed with the call. He has done it before, and he’ll never fail, or let us fail when we’re surrendered to his will. Praise his name forever!

  3. wayne May 4, 2015
    2:00 pm

    Inspired and inspiring insight. Thanks.

  4. Tim MacDonald May 4, 2015
    3:25 pm

    So you glad I tunes in today Hyatt. This is signicant what you have experienced and shared. Believe I am to about experience what the other side is like… really looking forward to it!

    Thanks for sharing your story. We have a few hungry sheep in China…even a few fish for your nets. Come when ready!

  5. Randy Mosten May 4, 2015
    9:47 pm

    Wonderful insights as always. Sharing a short inspirational video with you thinking about all the ways you touch us.

  6. Randy Mosten May 4, 2015
    9:49 pm

    Thank you for your insights. Made me recall a short inspirational video.

    You certainly are making the best of every opportunity!

  7. Norm May 4, 2015
    10:07 pm

    Jesus said more than once, “Now you do not understand, but a day will come when you will.” Is this so like God to take you through this season, Hyatt? He seems to know (and delight in) how rational of a thinker you can be with your art et al … and yet his purpose may be so different. It appears as though you responded to a prompting of a different kind, and your faith has found favor. And here you are, surprised by the joy of the outcome. So blessed by this story.

  8. Sophia Beccue May 7, 2015
    9:36 pm

    With this old familiar passage, I was struck this time particularly by this part…

    How does one know when they’re getting a word from God?
    The fishermen didn’t know it was Jesus until they did what he said. They experienced the result and their eyes were opened.

    So interesting! another facet of looking at faith.
    As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts. They are life-giving.

    • Me, Hyatt May 7, 2015
      10:30 pm

      It can sound the same at your own inner voice. He uses our own vocabulary. But it’s different in content. The only way to really know, however, is to act on it. Confirmation follows action, not until.