More Title Options

March 16th, 2012

Additional titles could include: Fun with Ecclesiastes; Outside What Box?; Some Answers–More Questions; A Time for Most Things; Full of Meaninglessness; and A Guide for Non-Conformists (Group Study).

I said I might be working on a book. But what to title it? The mind fairly races with options. Here are a few:

Life’s Little (Unlikely) Instruction Book (already suggested)

Meaningless, Meaningless (already used)

Vanity, Vanity (variation on “already used”)

Life’s Little Inscrutable Instruction Book
(more telling of the contents)

Life’s BIG Inscrutable Instruction Book
(large print edition for seniors)

Ecclesiastes–The Good Parts Version (for incurable optimists)

Ecclesiastes Lite (Cliff Notes Version)

Life for Dummies (these always sell)

Life for Geninuses, Genusiness, Smart People

Will This be on the Test? (college student edition)

Life–In Which the Author takes on Various Conundrums and Ironies and Makes Observations and Declarations Starting with it (Life) Being Only Futile with Everything Having been Done Before, and Sometimes with the Bad Guys “Winning”–but Ending with the Proposition that There is a Judgement Indeed and that Things are Not so Meaningless After All and the Youth Should Take Warning  (Maybe too long)

I Declare (shorter, simpler)

Well, I Declare (more colloquial)

Well, Well (more accepting)

Well, Well, Well (too deep)

Life: How To (“How To” books are always in vogue)

Life: How Not To (could be a sequel)

That’s the list to date. Let me know your favorite, including None of the Above.

(Hey, there’s another one.)

Feel free to add your own.





Next: Ecclesiastes: My Story, Maybe Yours, Coming Monday.



  1. Dave Mar 16, 2012
    9:26 am

    How about ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ (with thanks to Eugene Peterson)?

  2. Anne Mar 16, 2012
    9:38 am

    How about: Life – how to make yours meaningful

  3. scott anderson Mar 16, 2012
    9:46 am

    I still like “Moore On That… “

  4. ashley Mar 16, 2012
    10:48 am

    to every page…turn, turn, turn.

  5. jcl Mar 16, 2012
    10:54 am

    How about- Been There, Done That, by King Solomon-
    or-The Real Meaning Of Life-Not

  6. Carolyn Mar 16, 2012
    11:15 am

    “Turn off the vacuum or it will suck something in” housewife version
    “Chasing the Wind” hipster version
    “Experiencing Joy” Blackaby version
    “Key to Contentment” Yuppy version
    “Snicker’s Does Not Satisfy” weight loss version
    “Purpose Driven living” Warren version
    “Finding fulfillment” mid life crisis version
    “Living Well” discipling or parenting version
    “Real Men Fear God” Promise Keeper/male version
    “Relationship status; Loved By God” Female version
    “Joy in Every Season” suffering version
    “Monologue” seeking God and finding the meaning of life

  7. Patty Mar 16, 2012
    12:00 pm

    Well, several of your titles came to the fore front for me Hyatt….they include:

    Life for Geninuses, Genusiness, Smart People

    Will This be on the Test? (college student edition)

    None of the Above

    Thanks for including your readers in the process!

  8. Doris MacDonald Mar 16, 2012
    1:49 pm

    So funny– I hope your offering, and the amusing discussion which followed, become a part of the book’s preface! I think it’s going to be a best seller!

  9. Pil Ho Lee Mar 16, 2012
    2:07 pm

    I like “None of the Above.” I just like the way it sounds and how it hints at the theme—it’s not what it seems. Kinda like Ecclesiastes…initially seems depressing, but very hopeful.

  10. Pat Mar 16, 2012
    2:19 pm

    News flash . . . Authors rarely get to pick the final titles. Publishers and their marketing teams get that honor. Thus, my advice is stick a working title on it and move forward, my friend!

  11. Alison U Mar 16, 2012
    6:02 pm

    That’s it! Working Title. Although I wouldn’t blame you for picking one of the other very clever suggestions, above. Especially, Moore on That.

  12. Suszanne Bernat Droney Mar 16, 2012
    7:03 pm

    My vote’s absolutely for “Moore on That.”

    Just so you know, I’m holding onto my paddle, Hyatt, for dear life hoping it will save me. There’s so much I need to learn and I’m an eager student. You are a knowledgeable teacher so willing to teach. Here we go!

  13. Betty Mar 16, 2012
    7:16 pm

    How about “Wisdom Regarding Meaninglessness”?

  14. lisa hoyt Mar 16, 2012
    9:42 pm

    Oh Wow! You all—— including you, Hyatt—— have put so much thought into this and are so amazingly clever! I am too tired tonight to even put any brain cells to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha! But I love “Moore on That” too……. That’s my vote from the tired mind of Lisa Hoyt! :) Love love

  15. Lynn Schrader Mar 16, 2012
    10:07 pm

    Just had to add my vote. Love a lot of the titles but as many said, “Moore on That” tops them all. The double meaning and obvious limited availability (not everyone has that name) is just too irresistible.

  16. Rita Mar 17, 2012
    8:12 am

    Seems to me there is a lot of cleverness wrapped in the titles – but “Moore on That” floats to the top. Now when will it come onto the shelves??????????

  17. Anne Mar 17, 2012
    2:31 pm

    How about: “Moore or Less”

  18. carmen Mar 17, 2012
    9:06 pm

    “Come let us reason together” but I still like “Moore on That”

  19. Larry L. Thomas Mar 18, 2012
    10:27 am

    “Moore On That… “ sound good to me