Working Past Age 70

September 9th, 2013


Okay, I said I’d not bring this up again, but you have to see this. Actually I’d seen it before, but a friend forwarded it with the title, “What happens when you’re forced to work past 70.” Could actually help my painting style, “loose” being a style with much a-a-a-traction. Check it out here.


  1. Pastor Adam Barton Sep 9, 2013
    1:01 pm

    Good stuff. Moses didn’t get really going till 80! As you know, many artists are mainly known for their last period of works. Take care.
    Pastor Adam Barton
    Akron, Ohio

  2. Norm Sep 9, 2013
    4:37 pm

    Your paintings would certainly get more and more abstract, Hyatt. Could be interesting!

  3. Frank Hall Sep 10, 2013
    4:29 am


    What a delightful “series”. Sally and I both turned 70 this year (a bit before you) and have enjoyed sharing your thoughts. Thanks for putting a little more joy in our lives. Truly the Lord is good and he has blessed you and Anne more than abundantly. It’s a blessing to know you.

    Frank and Sally Hall

  4. Allison Moore Sep 10, 2013
    6:07 am

    that’s hilarious!

  5. Lisa Hoyt Sep 11, 2013
    8:07 am

    OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST LAUGHED MY HEAD OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR THAT HYATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love to all! Lisa

  6. Carmen Tome Sep 12, 2013
    12:22 am

    LOL. Did you know Grandma Moses started in her 70’s? Whether your hands shake or not, you will continue to create wonderful works. Here’s to artistry success in 70’s and beyond!

  7. Pil Ho Lee Sep 16, 2013
    10:18 am

    Things are slow this morning at work so I got to enjoy this. Tried not to laugh out loud so my co workers don’t think I’m still on vacation.