Gary’s Going . . . Gone

August 13th, 2013

The picture and intro from Gary’s blog:
Celtic tradition identifies the Holy Spirit as a Wild Goose. He is the wings of a Wild God best followed by the wildest of men. I’m gray. I’m wild. Like He, I am not always predictable, rational, or safe. I believe my full life and my still maturing years of Walking With God offer both heart and substance for younger lads to consider. Now with 4th stage prostate cancer, following the Wild Goose has a different pace and perspective worth reflecting on…and sharing.

Imagine my surprise when I received the following in response to the last blog: “Hey, pal, I’m in hospice now. You kept me buoyed to the end.  Slip me off your list.”

It took me a minute to identify the source. Then I remembered Gary, someone I met only twice, three years ago, but he’s been receiving the blogs and commenting occasionally. And always saying he was going to come by, but then the cancer got in the way. He’s three years my senior.

He was working on a book, too, and asked me to contribute once. It was on “fathering.” And he and his son (or was it son-in-law?) had a ranch in Colorado for “whole family therapy.”

Gary’s was a way of talking, and writing, that was definitely “western” and immediately friendly. And though he seemed always on the brink of a story with a rye smile, he was utterly serious about his Christianity.

His blog was named Wild Gray Goose, which he explained in an intro, quoted at left.

After he sent me his “unsubscribe” note I looked up his last entry. He gave me permission to share it with you.


HOOOONK! We All Have to Go Sometime

This ‘un’s short just to refresh your read of my last post back in July. The phrase is almost universal; seems to give micro-comfort on hearing of a death three or more friendship circles out, never about someone we hold dear or even know.

Let’s call it a filler that prevents most of us from thinking too deeply about eternity and how we get “there” (“There” being a place of peace, usually called “Heaven”).  It reminds me of the stupidest of all fillers, “He/she’s is a ‘better place.”  Really?  Place? And where is that?  What is that?  And, how do we get to this amorphous-but-wonderful “better place”?

Well, if you follow this blog or my personal emails, my “Sometime” is fast approaching. I make this post as a way to prod you to consider life ahead and how much you want to do to fill the “Sometime” gap.  We who follow the wild goose, the Holy Spirit, and all His wonderful promptings, proddings, and His gifts of joy know that in having to go sometime, the final leg of the journey is just a foretaste of eternity ahead.  One choice, two places.  One better, one way not.

HOOOOONK!  ‘Scuse.  Gotta go. The Wild Gray Goose has to follow the Wild Goose.  With joy current and anticipated.

That’s it. A man full of spirit and clear-eyed anticipation of where he’s going, having left a legacy as best he could, in his unique way.

It’s inspiring, really. And a flight path for all of us.

Good bye, Gary. See you soon enough.



  1. Frank Doejaaren Aug 13, 2013
    10:18 am

    I appreciated this article. I was not too far off a few months ago myself with being with my Lord. Thank you for sharing part of Gary’s testimony.

  2. Ken Gibson Aug 13, 2013
    10:58 am

    Tuning in from Ireland, not as often as I should.
    Like Gary, I appreciate your blog. Looking forward with certaintity to meeting Gary some day and chatting about all there will be to blog about on the other side.
    Gary, if you haven’t soared already, rejoice that the angels are polishing that sweet chariot to take you on the most fabulous journey of your life!

  3. Hyatt 4 Aug 13, 2013
    11:11 am

    Thanks Gary for your previous thoughts to Dad here and letting him share them. I’ve certainly let a lot of time go by in my “sometime” gap which I would like to have spent less in worry and more in living. Thanks for the encouragement to do otherwise.

  4. Marty Dieckmeyer Aug 13, 2013
    11:29 am

    Wow! This is an awesome blog Hyatt. Thanks for sharing and speaking about the topics we all think about, but are reluctant to share and acknowledge. I was so touched by Gary’s acceptance of “there” as his “sometime” approaches. What a testament for all believers and non-believers, to know where we will live forever makes this time on earth so much more fulfilled.

  5. Barbara Mitchiner Aug 13, 2013
    11:40 am

    Thank You for sharing about Gary…….he sounds like
    such an interesting, peaceful person!
    I just found out last week that my brother in law, has
    a huge tumor……too large to operate on…..however, he
    is not a believer, at least not yet…
    Barbara Mitchiner

  6. Lisa Hoyt Aug 13, 2013
    7:21 pm

    Great one Hyatt! Sent this around because it is so appropriate for my family. My brother is going home soon too but at only 60 years old. My Dad shared that when his older brother died, about 39 years ago. He had bone cancer. He said the same thing exactly!! He told my Dad, I don’t want this chemo anymore. It is worse than the disease it seems. I am ready! I am ready to go home! And my Dad said, he completely understood! It made him not worry about his time then either. He said to me, I am not worried. I know where I am going. Thank you! Great one! Blessings! Lisa

  7. Sue Moore Donaldson Aug 14, 2013
    8:20 am

    Wow. May I fly as grandly when it’s time.

  8. Donna Aug 14, 2013
    11:00 am

    thanks Hyatt, This one’s about focus… -on the most significant and eternal.

  9. Mercedes Sep 3, 2013
    12:01 pm

    This was very touching and comforting on a spiritual and on a wordly level. Thank you to Gary for writing it and to you Hyatt for sharing!