Second Adulthood

August 8th, 2013

It’s a term I started hearing a couple of years ago but haven’t much since. Maybe it’s because that’s when I was entering mine. Now I’m well into it.

The difference between the second and the first, besides the obvious fact that it comes later, is that this one’s your own. The first you only thought was yours.

You came through school, choosing classes you were pretty good at but also listening to advice on what might provide the best career. You entered that career working hard to prove to others you could do it. You made some headway getting on in life and that, too, was in part to inform others. As family came along, and mounting expenses and responsibilities, you had little choice but to keep it all working.

Hopefully you were enjoying it, but either way, you had something to prove and you were going to do it! You were on a track and too many were depending on you to even think of getting off.

Then those things eventually mature . . . the kids grow up, financial considerations stabilize some, and the job doesn’t seem like the only thing in life. That’s when thoughts arise that could eventuate into the second adulthood.

This one’s for you.

Does it sound selfish? Not necessarily. It’s really quite natural.

In a sense you’ve done your work for the system; now it’s time to make another kind of contribution . . . one that’s uniquely yours.

Earlier you hardly knew who that was. Or, you did, but had to let it go. Or new interests have developed. Whatever the case, here’s your chance. You still have your energy. You’ve got ideas, and talents you’ve not used.

You may still have something to prove, but this time just to yourself.

There’s some risk involved, but not a lot really. You’re freer now.

It’s the second adulthood: Grow into it. It’ll be good for you.

And likely for the rest of us too, as you make a new contribution that can only come from you.


  1. jcl Aug 8, 2013
    10:04 am


  2. Norm Aug 8, 2013
    11:07 am

    I’m into the latter now, and quite enjoying it. It’s like, “Who was that guy in my younger years?” I was locked into a wild groove and holding fast, then. Like an exciting free-fall waterslide. Now, I’m slowly paddling a canoe, through much quieter, meandering waters, still trusting, but noticing so much more along the way.

  3. rita Hopper Aug 8, 2013
    11:39 am

    My second adulthood is far different than the first, but one I am enjoying to the fullest with extension of what I started in my first round at adulthood, but now expanding and enjoying without the first adulthood interfering – if that makes sense???
    This life I can go at my pace and enjoy it more – There is a time for everything and that time has come.

  4. Carmen E. Richards Aug 8, 2013
    11:51 am

    Thank you Hyatt. This message is so timely for my husband and I right now. He has just retired and I continue working (as a writer) from home. We have started supporting our son a Youth Director/Pastor with his large church ministry. We love that but are still working out the kinks in our time at home. I have felt too OLD to be part of a youth ministry,and at the same time revitalized, experiencing God in using me and my gifts to minister. So, its all good. Thanks again for Blank Slate. Blessings, Carmen

  5. Sue Moore Donaldson Aug 8, 2013
    1:17 pm

    I may be in my third?! Whaddya think? Not sure I can paddle just yet, like Norm, however. Maybe that’s around the bend. Your description is right on.

  6. Jim Skelly Aug 8, 2013
    6:32 pm

    Thanks for this topic. I remember your New Year’s Day message… This year I want to “Follow Jesus”. I Just finished a good book “Follow Me.” I turned 50 this year and in my 2nd adulthood I want to Follow Jesus, Trust Him, listen and obey Him. That way I can enjoy the peace of God that transcends all understanding. Getting to the end of myself to enjoy His full abundance daily is my game plan in the 2nd half of life. To Follow Him. thanks

  7. Larry Rausch Aug 8, 2013
    8:36 pm

    Great Hyatt.

  8. Lisa Hoyt Aug 8, 2013
    8:56 pm

    I like this description! I am not sure we are in that phase yet. Hopefully it will be sometime in the near future. I like peering into it through your eyes! Thank you! Lisa

  9. carmen Aug 9, 2013
    7:20 am

    So true Hyatt. Although sometimes the second adulthood and choices that you make are made because it lands in your lap. These are the surprises that you never thought you can do, but pushes you out of your box. I have been a Medical Assistant for almost 4 years now in my second adulthood. How is came about is a God thing, and the things that I have to do is something I never thought I could stomach. I am enjoying it and it is very fulfilling. God pushed me into this field and I am grateful. He knows me more than I do. Praise Him

  10. Patty Aug 12, 2013
    2:57 pm

    Where He leads I’ll follow….