Wisdom Is What Wisdom Does

May 24th, 2012

A photo I just came across of our son about the time he learned to pray for “WCandS.” He now has them all, plus a wife and three children of his own.

When our kids were young they’d ask, “Dad, what do you want for Christmas?” To which I’d answer, “Wisdom.” To which they’d answer, “Daaaaaaaaaaad…”

Okay, it wasn’t something they could buy at the store, but it is what I wanted . . . that and a few other qualities on that level.

Wisdom is one of those gifts that keeps on giving. If you have that, you have access to pretty much everything else worth having.

Seems it was the source of everything for Solomon. He famously prayed for wisdom as he was starting out, and the Lord was so pleased with the humility (and wisdom) that he gave it to Solomon and ten times more.

Or was it by his wisdom Solomon learned how to gain ten times more?

Either way, it was the same result.

When our son was young, we suggested that if he prayed consistently for wisdom as a child he’d have it when he grew up. He (wisely) took us up on it, in time adding “courage” and “strength.” He got so where, when it was his turn at meals, he would pray with such rapidity it came out as one word: “wisdomcourageandstrength.”

I don’t know how much that had to do with his later being on the Naval Academy wrestling team, his facing dangers in his submarine and high aircraft Naval intelligence work, or his current pursuits for a PhD in electrical engineering at Stanford. But it all seems somehow connected with those three-fold childhood prayers.

We’re proud of him of course, but we’re just as proud of all of our children so that’s not the point. I use it as an example of what wisdom can do for a person.

Here’s the Scripture: Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun. Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter . . . wisdom preserves the life of its possessor.*

There it is: The benefit of wisdom is what it does. Like an inheritance, it’s a head start in life. Like money, it’s a protection against what might befall. A life preserver, it provides basic common sense against that which can shorten life.

There’s more to say on the wisdom topic, much more, but I’ll save it for another day.

At least that seems like wisdom to me.




*Ecclesiastes 7:11-12

Next: Money, the Unfaithful Lover. Coming Monday.


  1. Carolyn May 24, 2012
    10:09 am

    A wise word at the right time can help a friend bob back up to the surface too. I’m thankful for the life preservers you and your sister toss my way!

  2. wayne May 24, 2012
    2:52 pm

    Hyatt, I cherish the time I worked together with you because you demonstrated in the nitty gritty of life what you are writing about.

  3. Rita Hoppe May 24, 2012
    4:10 pm

    No matter the topic, I always feel refreshed and know I have gained something positive! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Suszanne Bernat Droney May 24, 2012
    9:47 pm

    Hyatt, I understand praying for wisdom, but my question is: How does one know when they have acquired wisdom? Does wisdom actually come from our life experiences and the way in which we relate and deal with those experiences?

  5. Rocky Roberts May 25, 2012
    9:56 am

    Thanks Hyatt. Great reminder. I need to pray more for Wisdom!!

  6. Carolyn May 25, 2012
    7:39 pm

    Can’t do what you don’t know. Can’t know what you don’t ask questions about. Don’t ask until God sends a test and you discover He already gave you the answer. You just didn’t know it.

  7. Betty May 30, 2012
    7:21 pm

    What a darling boy he was and what an accomplished man he is! The good Lord sure did answer his prayers…and yours too. Thanks for sharing.

  8. carmen Jun 1, 2012
    5:53 am

    How wonderful to have a father put that seed in his heart